SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK:     June 10 - 20, 1999

                    Deputy Chief Katulka and other police officers with hair!

                    Deputy Chief Katulka and other police officers without hair!

                           "GOOD SPORTS FOR A GOOD CAUSE"

           TOP PICTURE:   Left to Right:

           Constable Richard Dickinson, Constable Joseph Belanger,
           Deputy Chief Andrew Katulka, Constable Michael Winacott,
           and Sergeant Greg St-Aubin, from the Elliot Lake Police
           Service, get their heads shaved on June 9th, 1999.
            The officers, along with other celebrities got shaved after
            in response to the community raising over $2000 before
            the Special Olympics Torch Run, also held June 9, 1999.

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